Hotel reservation

In the heart of Green Provence in the Sainte-Baume Massif, the hotel "Le Couvent Royal" has an exceptional historical and cultural heritage. Indeed the Basilica of Saint Maximin la Sainte Baume and the neighbouring Convent were founded in 1295 by Charles II of Anjou, the King of Sicily and Count of Provence to house the relics of St. Maria Magdalena. This is the finest Provencal gothic building in the South East of France. When the Dominicans left in 1959, the Royal Convent became a cultural centre and tourist venue. In 1999, the Soci�t� H�teli�re France Patrimoine turned the convent into a hotel.

Le Couvent Royal

Rooms are available at reduced rates for the conference participants. If you plan to stay at "Le Couvent Royal", we encourage you to make your reservation as soon as possible as the number of rooms is limited. Please mention that you are a participant to the workshop to benefit from the reduced rates.

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Contacts: Luce Brotcorne and Bernard Fortz